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Channel Search:
Reception Reports

This feature aims at showing on the map the dish sizes that allow a good reception of a beam,
updated upon your own reception reports. Your specific comments for each beam are also available under the map.

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page

Theorical beam coverage - frequencies: Eutelsat 7 West A  MENA

Detailed reception reports and comments about this beam:

2020-09-21 22:11:36pecou (49.1N-15.1E,90cm) Only 11296 H, 11227 V, 11430 V

2019-03-23 13:32:06ahmed4ux2 (29.6N-35.3E,0cm) ? HUMAX F1 MINI

2016-12-07 10:36:46vaxes (46.8N-7.3E,88cm) The following transponders are the easiest to recieve for me in central Switzerland: 24,28,29,E32-E40. C5,C12 are also possible in good weather with cold temperatures.

2016-09-25 15:09:07AlgerSat (37.7N-4.5E,80cm) ? لا يوجد أي إشارة في الجزائر العاصمة بستعمال طبق 80 ستم

2015-06-03 00:01:40mapledish (49.1N-19.8E,125cm) bratislava - west slovakia, 125cm gibertini offset dish, 8.1db, needs 6db+ to clear

2015-05-12 21:51:03mosulica70 (-,120cm) ? nu merge absolut de loc in Rosiorii de Vede nici cu 120cm, nici cu 180cm cu mai multe risaivere digitale. am vrut sa completez longitudine- latitudine si nu mi sa-u acceptat datele

2015-04-09 17:16:18alexxxitu (-,85cm) nu merge frate

2015-03-09 21:13:28spinner (45.5N-9.2E,120cm) Good signal in Milan 120 disk

2015-02-28 22:01:36ade3661 (51.7N-0.9W,80cm) ? i can receive the mena beams not all signals just on the edge of 50% drops out at night.

2014-08-17 02:01:13arradi (-,130cm) ? goed ontvangst eutelsat en nilesat 102 alle kanalen h en v met 130cm schotel rotterdam nederland

2014-05-15 16:32:09adelbougroura (-,120cm) ? work perfect with 120cm

2014-02-03 11:41:19bdx.33 (44.6N-1.9W,120cm) ? bonjour est ce que c est possible de capter nile sat a bordeaux svp si c est possible c est quoi la frequance merci

2014-02-03 11:16:25bdx.33 (44.6N-1.9W,120cm) ? bonjour est ce que c est possible de capter nile sat a bordeaux svp si c est possible c est quoi la frequance merci

2014-01-10 23:47:41ernest.olldashi (50.9N-4.2W,40cm) non ce sengiale???

2014-01-05 20:25:30Jouri175 (42.4N-28.3E,90cm) لايمكن إلتقاط أي إشارة في إسطنبول بإستعمال طبق ١٥٠سم

2013-09-03 02:55:56ybilgin (37.4N-25.7E,170cm) All ok from Bodrum with 170 parabolic. during the day signals %70, nights %80

2013-07-07 22:34:10octavian (-,90cm) ? Nu ma descurc sa gasesc ce antena imi trebuie in arad pentru pozitia 7W

2013-06-12 21:31:26Sirdub (9.0272°-38.7369,180cm) Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Crystal Clear

2013-06-09 18:10:44ahmeda_tyler@ms (51.9N-0.8W,2cm) crawley uk 1.5 dish 24hr coverage, 48% to 90% nilesat 102/201 no signal

2013-05-29 11:49:18service1 (-,140cm) ? hallo... 1,40dish,can i receive signal in central greece?

2013-04-28 01:56:13Boenke (51.2N-4.2E,80cm) No reception at all in Belgium with 80cm

2013-02-12 16:02:19sidahe (-,90cm) ? il est bien

2013-02-12 15:58:56sidahe (-,90cm) ? I receive all atlantic 7 and very powerful

2013-01-31 10:10:22maruu (60N-23.9E,250cm) akhi eagle mazbout bi almania wa 3andi bi finlanda nile sat 101 102 na3am istakbaal gayed amma eutelsat7 fa kalaamak mish mazbout laaa nastakbal al eutelsat7 moustahiil.

2013-01-05 18:55:21raffu (44.9N-4.8E,130cm) 130cm signal faible quand il fait pas beau

2013-01-03 09:26:26EAGLE (-,120cm) ? حتى تلتقط نايل سات في كافة المانية عليك بطبق 120 حتى تحصل على اشارة جيد مع العلم ان بعض مناطق المانيا تحتاج الى طبق 100 فقط لاستقبال النايل سات

2013-01-03 09:23:55EAGLE (-,120cm) ? يا جماعة كل واحد بيحكي شي مختلف عن الاخر انا اخي يسكن في فرانكفورت ماين والتقط نايل سات بطبق مائة سنتم فقط

2012-12-09 00:48:52espreita (37.4N-10.1W,125cm) bom sinal no sul de portugal!.

2012-08-22 20:34:15فهدالمحمدي (22.5N-45.2E,105cm) هل من الممكن ان ترسل إلي جميع الترددات الخاصة بأقمار النايلسات واليوتلسات7A على بريدي الالكتروني

2012-08-14 16:33:52Abdou50 (-,0cm) ? Cant get good signals on panorama and fox movies also fm t.v.

2012-06-16 23:30:29Rami-Lebanon (33N-34.3E,60cm) Excellent signals on 60 cm in lebanon

2012-06-16 23:29:30Rami-Lebanon (33N-34.3E,60cm) Excellent signals on 60 cm in lebanon

2012-02-27 12:11:26arya1957 (58.5N-10.3E,120cm) can you tell me please which size of dish I need in Oslo to recieve nilesat atlantic bird4 my e.mail :

2012-01-18 12:19:48marsaby (-,150cm) ? here in the middle of germany the complete satellite is receivable without interference

2012-01-15 23:42:58momodeluxe (51.1N-32.3E,120cm) Please, for who added signal reception of Atlantic Bird 7w at 38n.47w, to write more details about his location and signal. Thanks in advance

2011-12-28 11:02:44pedro2000uk (52.8N-2.3W,45cm) ? Many installs on 90cm receiving mid UK- TOP MOVIES low margin- Panorama Action with small-medium margin- 1.1s mid & N Manchester.

2011-11-29 10:51:50maruu (60N-23.9E,250cm) hi london 1978 ihave 250cm dish live in south finland ihave receive normal old nile sat but idont receive the atlaticbird 7 do ineed to remove the dish left right or up down i dont understand that wy i dont receive that shit atlanticbird 7 plz help if you can holland not too mutsh far from finland

2011-11-28 22:09:53momodeluxe (51.1N-32.3E,120cm) with 180cm Can't find Nilesat in Kiev, is it possible to receive it in here ?????!!!!!

2011-11-20 16:13:48maruu (60N-23.9E,250cm) hi to all i have before nille sat full chanels 1 month agoo ilost over 400 chanels from nilesat do i can get back the chanels of the new sat atlantikbird 7 with sam dish 250cm in south finland ? some one can help

2011-11-16 17:09:07nicoi06 (41.9N-7.3E,85cm) bnjr tout le monde je suis de nice avec dish 85cm avec LNB 0.3db je capte rien , bah possible msakeniendu06 de m'aider ,la mieulleure fréquence pour atlantic bird7 par contreje capte très bien atlantic bird8° et alantic bird5° 2 MERCI d'avance fréro mon skupe azurino6

2011-11-11 21:50:23makan (-,2cm) ? je suis au mali es ce que je capter toutes les chaines de hot bird avec une antenne de 2,4

2011-11-03 01:48:24gra1m (52.8N-3.3W,100cm) i get mostly v channels in the day,it get better in the evening into early morning

2011-10-31 09:25:55saber (52.3N-5.2E,110cm) ? bon signal ici en hollande 1.10cm 716 chaine

2011-10-30 16:44:02msakeniendu06 (42.2N-7.3E,90cm) a Nice dans le sud est de la France avec un PARABOLE de 90CM ET LNB DE 0,3 db je capte 400 CHAINES c est incroyable

2011-10-29 19:35:46london1978 (51.2N-2.6W,180cm) UK needs 180cm ,France 150cm,Germany 150cm, Finland not easy, Sweden not easy,

2011-10-29 19:31:32london1978 (51.2N-2.6W,180cm) I have 180 cm dish and I have receive all Atlantic bird 7 in London easily and happy with this sat

2011-10-29 19:28:39london1978 (51.2N-2.6W,180cm) nasser in naigeria you have to have a right dish

2011-10-28 23:10:47nasser (-,0cm) ? please , i am not able to receive the signal of Atlantic 7 in nigeria , what can i do ,even the dish is 2,5 meters

2011-10-28 00:08:21banoun (-,120cm) ? ana fi côte d'ivoire est ce que je peut capter atlantic bird7 expliquer moi svp si il y'a une solution

2011-10-27 22:53:54bonou12 (40N-3.6W,180cm) ? good reception with 90 cm offset dish near madrid,spain strong signal on all transponders

2011-10-27 22:51:48bonou12 (40N-3.6W,180cm) ? good reception with 90 cm offset dish near madrid,spain strong signal on all transponders

2011-10-25 23:04:18samed (48.2N-7.6E,120cm) I receive most frequencies of atlantic bird 7 with 120cm dish, i think i have to change for biggest dish if i want to catch correctly all the transponders. I am from Mulhouse (N/E France)

2011-10-25 15:38:18man700 (-,110cm) I live in southern Finland do I see the atlanticbird 7 at 7 w, and the channels of this dish is the size of the required and appropriate to the NBA for the atlanticbirad 7 with my sincere thanks to all

2011-10-25 15:35:47man700 (-,110cm) I live in southern Finland do I see the moon, and the channels of this dish is the size of the required and appropriate to the lNB for the moon with my sincere thanks to all

2011-10-25 11:13:09iss1030 (50.6N-4.2E,120cm) 12265 H is working with jsc sport hd

2011-10-24 20:20:45madi222 (-,310cm) bangui-centafrica.pas de reception all

2011-10-24 20:15:03madi222 (-,310cm) bangui-centafrica.pas de reception all

2011-10-24 14:07:33albandi (50.9N-4.2E,120cm) All transponders good quality

2011-10-24 11:11:09london1978 (51.2N-2.6W,180cm) I am in London and I have receive atlantic7 all single very powerful in London 80 Quality

2011-10-24 11:09:05london1978 (51.2N-2.6W,180cm) I receive all atlantic 7 and very powerful

2011-10-24 03:48:24algeriano51 (42.5N-5.6E,130cm) Nous attendons les chaînes du TP 12475 V 27500!!!!!

2011-10-24 03:47:18algeriano51 (42.5N-5.6E,130cm) à Marseille et sa région, ce satellite est très puissant! je capte tous les tp! 74% !!!! A Vitry le François, 51300, signal allant jusqu'à 70%!!!! très bonne couverture! mais pour l'instant sur 12475 V 27500, toujours pas d'émission de programmes de jazeera sports HD 1!! pourquoi!????

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


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